Art Beal - Bills/Invoices
invoice for Elizabeth Appel from Pacific Care Center, 12/29/1991
notice of action for Art Beal from SLO County, 12/30/1987
notice of action for Art Beal from SLO County, 11/18/1988
notice of action for Art Beal from SLO County, 10/11/1989
notice of action for Art Beal from SLO County, 10/18/1989
notice of action for Art Beal from SLO County, 10/24/1990
invoice for Art Beal Foundation from Duenow, Burke, & Smith, 7/20/1979
water bill for Art Beal Foundation, 6/30/1994
invoice for tree service, 2/10/1998
invoice for tree service, 11/11/1996