Orpha & E.K. (Earl Kline) Lund, Lund's Scenic Garden
Letter to E.K. Lund from SPACES/Seymour Rosen, 3/20/1986
Letter to SPACES from Kathryn Thornberry, Lund Scenic Gardens, 3/26/1986
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "Our Lord's Last Supper"
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "The Garden of Gethsemane"
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "The Crucifixion"
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "The Baptism"
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "Jesus Blessing the Children"
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "Jesus at the Mt. of Olives"
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "The Nativity"
postcard for Lund's Scenic Garden. image of "The Sea of Galilee"