Frédéric Séron
140 Boulevard John Kennedy, Corbeil-Essonnes, Île-de-France, 91100, France
The location of this site is: 140 Joseph Kennedy Boulevard (National Route 7), Moulin-Gallant (Corbeil-Essones), Île-de-France, France
About the Artist/Site
Thanks to the location of his home along France’s National Route 7, Séron’s work was known early on by those interested in art environments, including Anatole Jacovsky and André Breton. A former baker, after his retirement Séron devoted himself to a variety of art creations, including paintings and wall murals as well as a range of sculptures of figures and animals, which he placed around his garden and home. Modeled in concrete mortar over a simple infrastructure, he would occasionally include found objects to help identify his subjects or to simply add to the statue’s core.
The surfaces of his sculptures were carefully smoothed and some had, at one point, been painted; they featured a range of subjects, including animals not typically found in the French countryside (a lion chewing on his prey, a seal balancing a ball, a giraffe) but also more locally common creatures such as chickens, a rabbit, a swan, dogs, donkeys, and more). There were also figures of legend or myth, such as a mermaid or an angel playing a trumpet, but also skaters, dancers, and a clown.
Although some of the statues have been displaced from the site over time due to vandalism, wear-and-tear, or perhaps sales, the site can be considered extant.
~Jo Farb Hernández, 2018
Map & Site Information
140 Boulevard John Kennedy
Corbeil-Essonnes, Île-de-France, 91100
Latitude/Longitude: 48.5822926 / 2.4760788
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