Rosemary Ollison's HomeRosemary Ollison (1942)




Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States



About the Artist/Site

Rosemary Ollison (b. 1942) is an artist who lives in Milwaukee, WI. When she was 16 years old, she moved to the midwest from a plantation in Arkansas where she had lived with her grandparents. She began making art in 1994 while healing from an abusive marriage. Most of her work deals thematically with her identity as a Black women and celebrates the power, individuality, and mystique of all women.

Rosemary creates quilts and fiber works while maintaining a steady drawing and journaling practice. She has built an environment in her apartment with duct tape sculptures; curtains of beads; woven leather hanging sculptures and necklaces; quilts; and inventive drawings. She also designs clothing and writes poetry. Her exuberant self-made world is a tribute to the hardships she has overcome and the power she feels as a Black woman. Ollison says she creates in dialog with God: “When I am creating I am satisfied, I am free! I no longer just exist, I am alive!”

To learn more about Rosemary and her work, visit her website here. She is represented by Portrait Society Gallery.

Courtesy of Portrait Society Gallery



textiles, beads, sculptures, handmade clothing, drawings, rugs

Map & Site Information

Milwaukee, Wisconsin us
Latitude/Longitude: 43.0389025 / -87.9064736

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