La Casa de Babbo Natale [Santa Claus’ House]Massimiliano Goglio (b. 1970)
About the Artist/Site
Goglio, an electrical consultant, has created an elaborate seasonal display of Christmas lights around his home since the 1990s. By 1998 the number of bulbs included in the installation had reached 8000; by 2012, he had installed 371,904 LEDs, which created an entirely different lighting effect.
Goglio begins his work each year in early September, as he extends the lighting cables into the garden, and covers all of his trees with lights. He also creates three-dimensional shapes such as reindeer with a sleigh and a snowman. The lighting itself takes place from December 7 through January 6, from 5 to 10 pm; it is visible from the sidewalk and attracts many people, free of charge.
Goglio has parlayed his passion for creating this seasonal installation into a business, as he is now working as a retailer of bright scenic designs.
~Giada Carraro and Gabriele Mina
Map & Site Information
31 Via dei Platani
Melegnano, Lombardia, 20077
Latitude/Longitude: 45.3511145 / 9.3250437
31 Via dei Platani, Melegnano, Lombardia, 20077, Italy
The lighting itself takes place from December 7 through January 6, from 5 to 10 pm; it is visible from the sidewalk and attracts many people, free of charge.
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