Il Giardino di Sculture [The Sculpture Garden]Giulio Rancilio (b. 1938)
About the Artist/Site
Giulio Rancilio worked as a builder specializing in finish work. After he retired due to a serious heart operation, he began to create a variety of figures out of concrete that he placed in his garden bordering Via Alfieri. In and around his home are murals, paintings, and about thirty life-size sculptures in painted concrete: a woman riding a horse, a monkey, a dog, a rearing horse, a helmeted man riding a Vespa, a red car, Christ carrying the Cross, a little girl riding the bike, and more. The subjects are treated in a hyper-realistic manner: everything is based on the criterion of verisimilitude and references to the world’s most renowned painters, which Rancilio has learned about from commonly-available art history books.
Rancilio has sculpted since the year 2000, but he has drawn for 40 years: his paintings and charcoals, which he has exhibited locally, depict religious subjects, animals, and faces. At home he has created a large mural inspired by da Vinci’s Last Supper, with the faces of great painters replacing those of the biblical characters.
The sculpture garden is located in front of Rancilio’s house and can be seen from Via Alfieri.
~Gabriele Mina
Map & Site Information
Via Vittorio Alfieri
Castiglione D'adda, Lombardia, 26823
Latitude/Longitude: 45.2174861 / 9.6918887
Via Vittorio Alfieri, Castiglione D'adda, Lombardia, 26823, Italy
The sculpture garden is located in front of Rancilio’s house and can be seen from Via Alfieri.
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